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Archive for the ‘Fluoride’ Category

Arkansas residents have no choice but to drink the water

In Babies and Children, Earth Offenders, Fluoride on March 2, 2011 at 4:46 am

Arkansas residents had their choice and voice taken away recently when they voted to fluoridate the water supplies of of towns with more than 5,ooo residents or more.  One town, Ft. Smith whose water supplies that will be now enhanced with fluoride has voted time and time again to opt out of fluoride in their town’s water. Coupled with the U.S. Department of Health and Human services recommendation to lower the amounts of fluoride in water, you have to ask why Arkansas politicians ignored what the citizens wanted.

From yesterday’s article at Natural News Ethan Huff writes:

The decision, which comes at a time when many studies and reports are questioning the safety of fluoride, especially in children, is highly concerning. It is also based on neither the public support of Arkansans nor valid science, which is illustrated in part by the fact that the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, a Washington D.C.-based think tank that claims not to take positions on policy issues, was one of the driving forces behind the initiative.

“Legislators cavalierly order fluoride into the bodies of American children without considering their individual total fluoride intake, clearly causing potential harm,” said attorney Paul Beeber, President of the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. “Legislators who vote forfluoridationoften base their decision on hearsay and fail to look at the science behind fluoridation.”

And perhaps one of the reasons they avoid the science is because it proves fluoride is harmful. Many studies have shown that artificial water fluoridation is linked to thyroid dysfunction, bone damage, and lowered IQ, among other things (…).

“There are at least 24 studies that have found an association between lowered IQ and levels of fluoride in water as low as 1.9 ppm,” said Paul Connett, PhD, director of the Fluoride Action Network, a non-profit advocacy group devoted to exposing the truth about the dangers of fluoride.

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