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Archive for the ‘Babies and Children’ Category

Dirt Bag of the Week 9/7/13: Thomas Kersting

In Babies and Children, Dirt Bag of the Week, Education, Politics, Social Politics on September 7, 2013 at 2:38 pm


Fox News guest: ‘That’s a teaching moment’ when hungry kids can’t eat school lunch,

not punishment

This week’s Dirt Bag of the Week award goes to Thomas Kersting a New Jersey School Counselor who weighed in on school children in New Jersey having their school lunches tossed in the garbage if they couldn’t pay for the meal.  Fux News had Kersting on who is a school counselor who objects to children who forget lunch money from getting a meal. He instead supporting throwing the meal in the garbage and using the hunger as a teachable moment for the student.
Thomas Kersting has probably never missed a meal in his childhood nor as a school counselor does he interact with children who often rely on school lunch as their main meal of the day. Unemployment is still high, Food Stamp benefits are being slashed, and states like Massachusetts is making sure all their students have access to breakfast and lunch by providing free meals. Being hungry can affect concentration, behavior, test scores, and self esteem. I am shocked that a man like Kersting who is in a position to help students in low socioeconomic  backgrounds chooses instead to shame them and keep them hungry. Those who are on the poverty line and may not qualify for food stamps, or free and reduced lunches will bear the brunt of this ‘teaching moment’.

Fox News guest: ‘That’s a teaching moment’ when hungry kids can’t eat school lunch, not punishment.

Watch the video here

Petition to Lift the Vaccine Protection Act of 1986

In Autism, Babies and Children, Earth Offenders, Educate before you Vaccinate on June 7, 2013 at 12:33 pm

Revoke the Pharmaceutical Industry’s  Protection


Time to life the pharmaceutical protection from Big Pharma– Be able to pursue litigation may create a checks and balance system that is not currently present with the FDA/ACIP/CDC, often those who push new vaccines onto the schedule are those who profit directly from them.

National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) only protects the drug companies that create vaccines. Drug Companies feel it it is their job to create the drugs and the FDA’s job to convince the public they are safe. The FDA does not conduct safety trials or 3rd party testing. They rely often on the clinical trials done by the very companies that created the drug/vaccine/thingmajig.

NCVIA only shields and protects the makers of the vaccines and those that approve the heavy vaccine schedule. Without the possibility of litigation and penalties, this industry has misused the trust of the American people, out foxed Doctors and Pediatricians in education by drug rep, and have harmed a generation of children. Questioning safety and expressing concern about the influx of the sheer number of vaccines on the current schedule gets you harassed and labeled a tin hat wearing conspiracy nut.

Sadly, those who are most vocal about questioning the schedule and demanding the evidence of safety are often the parents with the children who suffered vaccine reactions and are disabled.
All Doctors are required by law to report Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, it is thought less than 1% of reactions are reported. Many side effects and reactions are now considered normal and are often overlooked at early vaccine baby visits.

With the dramatic rise in children suffering from regressive autism, allergies, ADHD, ADD, and etc we must draw conclusions because major federal bodies refuse to do clinical trials and research the effects of Non-vaccinated and vaccinated on schedule children.

Sign Here

Arkansas residents have no choice but to drink the water

In Babies and Children, Earth Offenders, Fluoride on March 2, 2011 at 4:46 am

Arkansas residents had their choice and voice taken away recently when they voted to fluoridate the water supplies of of towns with more than 5,ooo residents or more.  One town, Ft. Smith whose water supplies that will be now enhanced with fluoride has voted time and time again to opt out of fluoride in their town’s water. Coupled with the U.S. Department of Health and Human services recommendation to lower the amounts of fluoride in water, you have to ask why Arkansas politicians ignored what the citizens wanted.

From yesterday’s article at Natural News Ethan Huff writes:

The decision, which comes at a time when many studies and reports are questioning the safety of fluoride, especially in children, is highly concerning. It is also based on neither the public support of Arkansans nor valid science, which is illustrated in part by the fact that the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, a Washington D.C.-based think tank that claims not to take positions on policy issues, was one of the driving forces behind the initiative.

“Legislators cavalierly order fluoride into the bodies of American children without considering their individual total fluoride intake, clearly causing potential harm,” said attorney Paul Beeber, President of the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. “Legislators who vote forfluoridationoften base their decision on hearsay and fail to look at the science behind fluoridation.”

And perhaps one of the reasons they avoid the science is because it proves fluoride is harmful. Many studies have shown that artificial water fluoridation is linked to thyroid dysfunction, bone damage, and lowered IQ, among other things (…).

“There are at least 24 studies that have found an association between lowered IQ and levels of fluoride in water as low as 1.9 ppm,” said Paul Connett, PhD, director of the Fluoride Action Network, a non-profit advocacy group devoted to exposing the truth about the dangers of fluoride.

Learn more:

Our kids will be sicker

In Autism, Babies and Children, Educate before you Vaccinate on March 1, 2011 at 6:04 am

Some staggering stats about the latest generation of children and the diseases that are affectinghtem. It is an absolute shame we continue to assaut their immune systems with unsafe vaccines.

400% increase in food allergies

300% increase in asthma

400% increase in ADHD

400% increase in Celiac Disease

1,500 to 6,000 increase in autism

45% of children will be insulin dependent within ten years

Why Your Children Will Be Sicker Than You.

~ Julie McGinnis, MS, RD

The Perfect Storm: The Proof is in the Population

Over the past twenty years, a lot has changed, and we are seeing the results in each (sicker) generation of children. I am always amazed to find out how certain shifts in our environment and culture affect our health. Small changes go long way when significant percentages of the population take part,knowing or unknowingly.

The poor health of each generation can be partly to blame on a weakened immune system and the rising rates of obesity. By a perfect storm, I mean, what happens when breast feeding declines, vaccine schedules and c-sections increase, GMO foods are eaten, and toxins are present everywhere. Read the rest of this entry »

Velshi asks good questions

In Autism, Babies and Children, Educate before you Vaccinate on January 7, 2011 at 8:44 pm